Validate Now
Version update history
1.0.11 - 3/4/2021
- When checking for the fields that are required will no longer count spaces to prevent a single/multiple spaces in the field from returning a valid response
1.0.10 - 7/14/2020
- Corrected issue with checking required radio input will now check if any radio button is checked instead of just the last one
1.0.9 - 7/10/2020
- Updated the Expression for "date" to allow xx/xx/xxxx or x/x/xxxx
- Will re-validate input elements on change event in addition to keyup
1.0.8 - 7/7/2016
- Corrected issue with placing "error label" between radio/checkbox input elements and its label
1.0.7 - 11/23/2015
- Corrected issue with data-validateNow-required being required even if undefined
1.0.6 - 6/23/2015
- Added standardExpression ("decimal")
1.0.5 - 6/16/2015
- Added standardExpression ("number")
- span is no longer required data-validatenow- can now be placed directly on the element (This is still in beta and and not tested with browsers earlier than IE11)
1.0.4 - 8/20/2014
- Corrected issue with data-validateNow-required being required even when set to false
1.0.3 - 6/6/2014
- Added standardExpression ("uscurrency")
- Now add attr to fields with "data-validateNow-isValid" with true or false
1.0.2 - 5/5/2014
- Added support for HTML5 input types ("color","date","datetime","datetime-local","email","month","number","range","search","tel","time","url","week")
- Updated the "checkregularExpression" function to allow easy additions of standardExpressions
- Added standardExpression ("SSN", "phone")
1.0.1 - 3/3/2014
- Will not check fields that are not visible
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#submit").click(function () {
$(".VAL").validateNow(function (noErrorsFound) {
if (noErrorsFound) {
//Save data here
} else {
alert("Please correct the errors and try again")
function customFunction(oInput) {
if ($(oInput).val() == "This value") {
return "Message"[or] false;
} else {
return ""[or] true;
<label for="BirthDate">Birth Date:</label>
<input type="text" id="BirthDate" />
<label for="BirthDate">Birth Date:</label>
<input class="val" type="text" id="BirthDate"
<label for="BirthDate">Birth Date:</label>
<input class="val" type="text" id="BirthDate"